555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

483. Is Every Sin Willful and Thus Every Backslider Doomed?

The subject is discussed in Heb. 6 4, 5, 6, and Heb. 10:26, 27. In one sense every sin is willful, because the sinner would not do it without the consent of his will ,* but the word has another meaning. It implies a deliberate and intentional act, which is different from an act to which a man is lured or deceived, or an act which he commits under some sudden and strong temptation. There was, for example, a marked difference between the sin of Judas and of Peter. The Apostle Paul, too, bade the church at Corinth restore the wrongdoer who had been expelled (II Cor. 2:6-8). Be sure of this, that any backslider repenting and turning to God for pardon, resolutely putting his sin away, will be welcomed and forgiven (See Ezek. 33:14-16, and many other passages).